Grain-Free Lemon Vanilla Cookies

It’s Monday. I’m tired from Weekending. Yes, this is totally a thing.

You know how people are always like “I need a vacation from my vacation –wahhhhhh!!”? Because that’s a thing that people always say (myself included–wahhhhhh!). Well, I propose that we start needing weekends from our weekends. This will make us professional weekenders. And, I’m all about learning more professional skills. Imagine your new resume! Under your special skills you could put things like: Typing, Excel & Weekending. I wouldn’t call myself an expert on corporate business strategies, but I’m pretty sure your new boss would be thrilled to see that one of your core skills is blindly looking forward to Fridays. I think it, simply put, makes you a forward thinker. They’re into that stuff, right? I don’t know. Maybe I should just stick to things that I actually know–like, how Mondays are most certainly for cookies. Yes, that’s my final answer.  […]

Tropical Rock Shrimp Ceviche With Pineapple, Mango & Lime

So, Summer. It’s a thing that’s happening. Also, sweating. Schvitzing. Glistening. Whatever word we’re supposed to use to describe a sweaty mess with frizzy bangs. That’s happening. I’ve also managed to adopt a summery attitude–meaning, don’t make me turn on my oven when it’s 90 degrees outside, K-thaaanks. Let’s just eat cold stuff. Maybe only popsicles for the next three months? Sure, we’ll get malnourished, but gosh darnit if we won’t keep cool. Probably a bad idea. Back to the drawing board…


Honey Roasted Apricot Manhattans

If you know me, you know that I love bourbon.

Somewhere along the line it happened. I’m not sure when, but it did. I gave up my teenage affection for hard lemonade, and my Sex And The City-induced Cosmopolitan phase in favor of spicier, boozier, hair-on-my-lady-chest-ier pursuits.

My husband found his love of Bourbon through my father. It became a family affair. If we’re having a cozy evening with my family, there is a more than likely chance that we’re going to be swilling Manhattans with (or as) appetizers. If you’re wondering, this practice goes really well with a game of Cards Against Humanity. It’s only slightly awkward when your Mother (the decidedly least gross, modestly-mannered person in the bunch) pulls out a big win for putting together combinations of cards that would make a sailor blush. Okay, perhaps it’s best that you play at your own risk. You’ve been warned. Mothers can surprise you. […]

Stone Fruit, Sweet Tea + Blackberry Sangria

I started this week off by washing my face with shampoo. Well, technically it was both shampoo & conditioner since I have a sweet all-in-one-lazy-girl-combo. No, this was not intentional. It was confusing to have such a thick lather on my eyebrows and cheeks. Even though this is my usual gentle facial cleansing routine, it took too long for me to figure out that something was amiss.  Finally, the light bulb went on after experiencing the mind-blowing-sizzling-shampoo-induced- inferno burning up my eyeballs. I think this set the tone for my week. Yep, it’s been great. I don’t feel crazy.
